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Registrar Administration Fatima Jinnah Medical University

اہلیت اور تجربہ: ایم بی بی ایس / بی ڈی ایس کے ساتھ پی ایچ ڈی / ایف سی پی ایس / ایس ایم ایس / ایم ڈی یا اس کے مساوی قابلیت ہائر ایجوکیشن کمیشن کے ذریعہ تسلیم شدہ میڈیکل کالج / یونیورسٹی / ٹیچنگ ہسپتال میں کم سے کم 10 سال کے درس / انتظامی تجربہ کے ساتھ پی ایم سی / ایچ ای سی کے ذریعہ تسلیم شدہ ہے۔ یا ایم بی بی ایس / بی ڈی ایس کے ساتھ ایم فل / ایم پی ایچ پی ایم سی / ایچ ای سی سے تسلیم شدہ اور میڈیکل کالج / یونیورسٹی میں 12 سال کا تجربہ۔ میڈیکل کالج / یونیورسٹی / ٹیچنگ ہسپتال میں تدریسی / انتظامی تجربہ کے ساتھ ایم بی اے (ایچ آر یا ایڈمن) کی اضافی قابلیت رکھنے والے امیدوار کو ترجیح دی جائے گی۔ یا پی ایم سی / ایچ ای سی کے ذریعہ تسلیم شدہ میڈیکل کالج / یونیورسٹی / ٹیچنگ اسپتال میں 17 سال کا انتظامی تجربہ رکھنے والے ایم بی بی ایس / بی ڈی ایس۔ یا پی ایچ ڈی / ایم فل یا ایچ ای سی سے تسلیم شدہ کسی بھی سرکاری / نجی شعبہ یونیورسٹی میں بطور رجسٹرار / ایڈیشنل رجسٹرار ( BS-20 / BS-19 ) کے طور پر کسی بھی مضمون میں مسابقتی قابلیت۔ نوٹ:-یہ پوسٹ مکمل طور پر غیر مشق ہے۔   ڈگری لیول : ...

Corona Virus Symptoms and Care


What are the symptoms of Corona Virus?

The Department of Public Health says 85 per cent of people infected with COVID have at least one symptom. If you have any of these symptoms, get tested as soon as possible and do not leave the house for any reason. Anyone who lives with you or depends on you will also have to be isolated, at least until the test results come out.

It usually takes an average of at least five days from infection to symptoms, but the World Health Organization says it can take up to 14 days. If the test is positive, everyone in the house will have to isolate themselves.

Does the COVID have the same effect on everyone? NO.

The coronavirus can affect many organs and has minimal symptoms. Using data from four million people, scientists have identified six more types. These are some of the symptoms.

 -      Flu with no fever: headache, loss of sense of smell, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, chest pain, and no fever

 -      Flu with fever: headache, loss of sense of smell, cough, sore throat, fever, hoarseness, loss of appetite

-  Stomach upset: headache, loss of sense of smell, loss of appetite, diarrhea, sore throat, chest pain, no cough

-      Fatigue (first degree of severity): headache, loss of sense of smell, cough, fever, hoarseness, chest pain, fatigue

-      Anxiety (second degree of severity): headache, loss of sense of smell, cough, sore throat, fever, hoarseness, loss of appetite, chest pain, fatigue, nervousness and muscle aches.

 -      Abdominal and respiratory (third degree of severity): headache, loss of sense of smell, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat, fever, hoarseness, chest pain, fatigue, nervousness and muscle aches, shortness of breath Diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain in children may also be symptoms of corona virus, researchers believe.

Do I have a COVID if I have a cough?

Many other viruses also have cough-like symptoms such as flu and other infections. This is a common problem in winter when these viruses are common. The Department of Public Health says half of people who show any of the three major symptoms of cod do not have cod. However, they should be tested.

What should I do if I get COVID?

If your test positive for COVID, you should limit yourself to 12 days at home from the time symptoms appear. You should also be separated from other members of your house for at least 14 days. Most people have mild symptoms that can be treated with painkillers (paracetamol), resting and drinking plenty of fluids.

When should people go to the hospital?

If your condition is becoming serious, you can call government emergency numbers. These symptoms include shortness of breath and inability to speak more than a few words. People need to be taken to hospital more often when they have difficulty breathing at that time they need oxygen.  Most of very sick people need a ventilator where oxygen is given to patient. Older people or people who already have medical problems such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. are more likely to get serious. Men are more effected from the virus than women.

How do I save myself?

The best thing you can do is wash your hands regularly, preferably with soap and water. The corona virus is spread when infected people cough or sneeze, and drops of water contaminated with the virus spread through their mouths into the air. Then others breathe in the air or touch a surface where the drops fall, then they touch their mouths, noses or eyes. Therefore, when coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth with a handkerchief or tissue, do not touch your face without washing your hands, and avoid close contact with infected people.

People are more likely to spread the disease when they have symptoms, but some people spread the virus before they get sick. It is also important to cover the face inside and outside the buildings.



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